Wednesday 28 September 2011

This is my finshed video for my animation.

The song is Fireflies by Owlcity, 
(Rock version)

Finshed Sheet

Animation Begins

The tutors were clear in that we had to use our previous model and develop it from there. This week the main focus of our projects were on the interior space of the building, and using our made up word we had to design such a space.


So basically i wanted to create a space in which people can work and also chill.
Rooms which are defined by their horizontality and verticallity.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

My Word

We were asked to make up a word that would define our type of architecture. So that people in the future would look at my architecture and classify it under this new term.

Looking at my previous projects i looked at the 'Raumplan' idea, and also the idea of a labyrinth. Also i touched on some minimalistic structures and slightly Art Nouveau. Yet i really like the look of expressive architecture.

So if i tried to combine Raumplan, Expressive architecture and labyrinth together...

Possible outcomes could be..:

Raumrinsive, Explabyaum, Labyraupress, Raumlabypressism, Labyrampressism, Exlabraumism.
Rauprinture, Labraunsiveture, Exraumrinthism.

Out of these i like Exlabraumism. This style would define how space is defined not by name but by the spacial qualities of both horizontal and vertical lengths, and the manner in which space is defined and arranged is in the form of a labyrinth. Meaning that the path of the interior and the exterior is more focused.


What it is to gift. The concept is a beautiful one, the act of giving something to another without the expectation of a gift in return.
A one way act that leaves both parties satisfied (most of the time).

For me personally i would like to choose the gift of happiness.

Since everyone on this planet wants to be happy in one form or another. Happiness can be seen as the ultimate goal of life, that one would spend a lot of years of ones life to study/work to be able to do what pleases one the most. In other words something that satisfies someone is actually making them happy.
This link is about how one becomes happy.
On the other hand this link is the christian view of how one becomes happy.

They are quite contradicting and depending on ones religious views one would agree to one or the other.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Three Crits

April grace Brodrick

April's could not show me her video on the day, but told me to see it on her blog.
Her idea of a tunnel and a journey is from her past waking up project which she incorporated into this one.
She deals with the modern and the transition into nature, so that her office is in a more natural area.
She chose her area so that it wasn't too bush nor loud to emphasize her idea.

Barry Chan

MATRIX and Site Plan


The Final Model

Sunday 11 September 2011

The models progress

With this i began to change the model bit by bit. With some suggestions by some friends i tipped on of the slabs on its side. And the result was much better than the previous.

Also i becan cantilevering some of the floors to provide more space whilst keeping the building footprint small as possible. Also this allows the building to break out of the symmetrical three slab structure.

Again i added an extra slab to cantilever some of the floors.
Two floors can be seen, both breaking out of the initial structures form.
I was trying to think about how one would move around these spacces. As you can see, the method of stairs is one way to move around.
In this shot, one can see a narrow passage with two wall slabs on either side to give it a maze feel. Another way of moving from one space to the other.
This is the facade of one side of the tower. I managed to come up with this idea by tracing a actual maze onto some paper and cutting it out.
A picture of the interior stairway. You can also see how the light seeps inward and gives it a patterned effect on the ground
And this is the entrance into the swimming pool area. I made it very open so that one can feel a comparison between open spaces and closed spaces.
The Front door entrance. Well i did not want the cliche 'front door' entrance so given the maze idea, i decided to make the front entrance on the side. Its intentional so that the people would have to move around in order to get to places- just like a labrinth.
This a side/back view of the model. You can clearly see towers of different sizes grouped in one place.

Now this is the front/side view of the building. The two big tower fronts can be used for rockclimbing whilst the other spaces are for the different activities.
Again this is a back/side view of the building.
Another shot of the back/side.

Friday 9 September 2011

Designing continues

This time I made a maze out of much sturdier material, and also tried to take away that exterior frame.

First Maze

Second Maze

Third Maze

As you can see the structure of the mazes has infact gone more simplistic and less in material.
Yet i still did this to see different envirment that are able to be created.

So i just tried placing them in any order to find some sort of match.

I tried flipping the mazes and turning them around and changing the orders.

Here is an interesting shot of a possible interior. A sense of openess and enclosure is created by this high hook like wall.

Here at this point i believe i kind of found something i like. Two main 'towers' and one smaller one in the center.

A side view of the structure. As you can see i used pins to try hold the walls in place.

Here a front entrance is starting to form.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Starting the design

For starters I began constructing some spaces out of some card.

Then by placing them going through each other, i managed to get some variety of spaces.

A top view of the spaces.

And due to just curiousity i raised the sturcture onto its side, again just too see the kinds of spaces that are formed when done so.

Another image of the standing structure.

This is the result when i unhook a side from each box space. Its effect seems more rough and wild.

Moving along i started to pursure the idea of a maze more. So i made three random mazes, each box has the same outer frame measurements and also the same height.

And like the previous, i wanted to see what it would look like if i tip it on its side.
What kind of space and enviroment would i provide/

On the other hand if the three mazes were irregularily stacked. the effect of space is more chaotic and random.Not the effect i am looking for though.

The center peice is stationary whilst the outer two are leaning to the sides. Again its an interesting form that is produced, nevertheless the effect is still quite a bit hectic.

A close up of the space, you can kind of see the interior of a building being formed.

And a much clearer picture of the stacked mazes.